Going beyond our church walls
One of the purposes of the church according to Matthew 28:19 is to "Go and make disciples of all nations". The church exists today for the purpose of evangelizing the world, both at home and throughout the world.
Why is the church here? We are here to share the gospel with others. We are here as ambassadors for Christ and to help evangelize the world. We are here to preach the good news about Jesus! It is every Christian’s purpose to share the good news of Jesus wherever we go - at home, at the grocery store, at the car wash, beach, and even with our co-workers.
Home Missions
Sign Ministry
We have an awesome sign ministry team which faithfully puts out signs around the city, inviting others to come visit Fields of Harvest Church. Let us know if you've seen them around town!
Community Outreach / Visitation
We are continually answering God's call by reaching out to our local neighborhoods and surrounding communities, sharing the gospel and God's love with a hurting world.
World Missions
Brazil - Hope Ministries
In 1991 God called us to the mission field in the state of Pará, Brazil where we have labored for 25 years. We have helped establish 15 churches, remodeled a bible college, built dorms for a training facility, and ministered the Gospel through another ministry there between 1991 and 2008. In 2008, we helped establish Hope Ministries and helped build two more churches, one in the city and one on the Guamá River. All the work we have been involved in is still growing and multiplying. The ministry has also recently purchased a large medical boat that will bring much needed medical and dental help to the people along the Guamá and Moju Rivers. Future plans include building more churches in the jungle areas and along the waterfronts of the Amazon River basin.
Africa - Hokett International
Fields of Harvest Church has supported Hokett International Ministries since June 2007. Arthur and Doris Hokett have been missionaries in Africa since 1966, living first in Ghana, and now in Lagos, Nigeria. They have a son, Jeff, who was born in Ghana. He and his wife, Sandra, have three young sons.
Rev. Arthur E. Hokett, whom our Pastor David Cochran has known since childhood, went to be with the Lord on August 6, 2011, at the age of seventy-three. He was a faithful man of God, and served in Africa for more than 45 years. He was much loved by many thousands of people all over the world, and he is greatly missed by his family and friends. Doris, his wife of nearly 54 years, is continuing with the ministry, traveling and preaching in many countries. She has helped build more than 62 churches in Northern Ghana
She travels most of the time, preaching and teaching in crusades, revivals, seminars, conventions, etc. Together they have ministered all over Nigeria, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, South Sudan, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Botswana, South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique, India, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Holland, England, Switzerland, etc. Every year they travel many thousands of miles.